I’m NOT an Artist: A Video Blog from Maria

Maria and I attended the Examined Life Conference at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine in April of this year and were invited to have some work from ART of IF on display there. It was an inspiring few days and, on the drive home to Michigan, we had the idea to put together some art packs that we could hand out at Advocacy Day.  We figured if people had all the supplies they needed to create a piece around their experience with infertility, it would make it easy for them. We loaded envelopes with a mini canvas, paint, mod lodge, feathers, beads, anatomical drawings and more.

However, while everyone was very excited to receive their packs, it’s been a few months and we haven’t seen too many creations in our mailbox. We understand the process of creating art can be daunting, even when you have supplies on hand. It’s something that Maria has been struggling with and wanted to share her thoughts about here. Hopefully her words will resonate with those of you who still have art packs sitting around and explain how, even if you’re not feeling very artsy, the process of creating can still be beneficial in your journey. Click on the link below the picture to view the video that Maria has created.


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I’m NOT an Artist




We’re featuring artwork from the project’s permanent collection in this week’s blog post.  Marissa McClure has created this piece, s/m/othering, in which she has removed the babies, children, and reproductive organs from well known pieces of art. She then invites others to choose an image that speaks to them and share their reaction to the image by pasting it, along with their narrative, in a book.

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We’ve been traveling with the book and it’s been in Iowa City, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and Northern California with us so far. We’re sharing some images and stories from the piece this post and you can look for us, and the book, at our upcoming events in New JerseyMichigan, California, Illinois, and Arizona where we’ll invite you to share your own story through Marissa’s piece, mini interviews and photo sessions, and some other fun interactive projects we have planned.

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You can read Marissa’s complete paper on s/m/othering at this link. Thank you, Marissa, for sharing your art with us!

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